I am going to formally launch the new project, to write essays introducing Shinto supported through Patreon, on Saturday this week. That day is the anniversary of my arrival in Japan, which I think makes it a suitably significant day on which to begin a new venture.
Ahead of the launch, I went to my local jinja today to have a ceremony asking the kami to support the project. I took along a printout of the first essay, the one that all patrons will get free when they sign up, and the priest took it into the area around the sanctuary to leave it in front of the kami, until the project is finished. That’s not entirely usual, most of the offerings are left in the prayer hall, and taken down fairly soon. Here’s hoping it has a positive influence.
If you don’t know what the sanctuary and prayer hall are at a jinja, well, the free essay explains them both, so you can sign up on Saturday to find out.