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Shinto Practice in Print

Shinto Practice for Non-Japanese is now available in paperback from Amazon.

There isn’t really much else to say about the book. It is still a practical introduction to practising Shinto if you are not Japanese or not in Japan, or most likely neither, and the content is the same as the electronic version, apart from some editing changes to reflect the change in medium. If you would prefer to have a physical version that you can hold in your hands, that is now a possibility.

I hope that some people find the new format useful.

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4 thoughts on “Shinto Practice in Print”

  1. That looks very interesting, especially the chapter on Shinto-influenced Neo-Paganism. I’m a Druid myself but find Shinto fascinating, and think there are some similarities with the kami and how modern Pagans view nature spirits.

    1. That’s a short chapter, and mostly focused on the questions of what makes something Shinto-influenced Neo-Paganism, rather than Shinto, and what Shinto priests would think of it. The general content of the book might well be interesting, though, because of its practical focus. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Hello David,

    I’ll be moving to Japan later this year to attend university and I’ve been interested in Shinto for a long time. I’m still reading your book Introduction to Shinto, but is there any process for a new practitioner to become part of their local jinja? Like do I visit frequently? I was thinking of regularly visiting the local shrine I’ll be living nearby or going on trips to visit jinja across Japan.


    1. Thanks for the comment, Scott.

      There’s no formal procedure for becoming part of the local jinja. If you visit frequently, greet the people you see in Japanese, and do not look Japanese yourself, you should find yourself drawn into conversations fairly quickly. Do attend the main matsuri, as well.

      Visiting jinja across Japan is also a good idea, but a single visit is not going to make you part of their community. You will probably have to do that where you live.

      Enjoy your time in Japan!


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