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David Chart


Earlier this week, I volunteered to help out at Asakusa Jinja’s natsumoude. Normally, I would write that “natsumōdë”, but Asakusa Jinja has an official romanisation for the word, so I am using that. This is, as you might guess, related to hatsumōdë. Hatsumōdë is the custom of visiting a jinja or temple in the first few days of a new year, to pray for good fortune. Natsumoude is the “new custom”, as Asakusa Jinja puts it, of visiting a jinja or temple in the first few days of July. The… Read More »Natsumoude

Kami Tama

A number of jinja in Ibaraki Prefecture, just to the northeast of Tokyo, have got together to offer “kami tama”, or “kami beads”, to people who visit the jinja, and the June 21st issue of Jinja Shinpō had a short article about them. These kami tama are wooden beads about 1.5 cm in diameter, with a hole through them for threading onto a string, and an image on the side that is related to their jinja. They can be obtained at each jinja, presumably in exchange for a small offering,… Read More »Kami Tama

“Shinto People”

The June 21st issue of Jinja Shinpō carried an interesting column about the way the Shinto world talks about itself. It was mainly concerned with specific Japanese usages, and one of the points the author made was that these usages are really hard to translate consistently into other languages, so I am not even going to try. Rather, I want to comment on his central point. The phrases that Shinto people use to refer to themselves as a whole are very ambiguous. Now, recall that Japanese has a (well-deserved) reputation… Read More »“Shinto People”


Hemp, “asa” in Japanese, is a very important part of Shinto culture. Hemp cloth is an important offering, and in the Daijōsai ritual that marks the accession of a new Tennō, hemp cloth is paired with silk. Hemp is also traditionally used in purification rituals, and the name for the ōnusa purification wand is normally written with the characters for “big hemp”, because it originally had strips of hemp cloth, or hemp fibres attached. This is a bit of a problem at the moment, because hemp is also the plant… Read More »Hemp

The Function of Tamagushi

It may occasionally seem on this blog as if I learn everything I know about Shinto from Jinja Shinpō. That is not quite true, as I will demonstrate today. I am also a member of the Society of Shintō Studies, an academic society based at Kokugakuin University, and so I get their journal, The Journal of Shintō Studies, or Shintō Shūkyō in Japanese. (The literal translation would be “Shinto Religion”, but that is not the official English title.) The articles are often extremely interesting, and I want to pick up… Read More »The Function of Tamagushi


There was a nice column in the June 7th issue of Jinja Shinpō by a priest in Kumamoto Prefecture, in western Kyushu. He, Revd Kudō, was talking about the importance of cleaning the jinja precincts, and, in particular, sweeping up the leaves that drop from the trees planted around the sanctuaries. He quotes, without objecting, another chief priest as saying that most of a Shinto priest’s job is cleaning. Traditionally, this is done while in vestments, with a bamboo broom, but he confessed that he had started using a leaf… Read More »Cleaning