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David Chart

Responding to Depopulation

A very important feature of Japan at the moment is rural depopulation. Japan’s population is falling overall, and most young people are moving to cities. This has led to rural communities where the average age is around seventy. This causes many problems, and in the grand scheme of things the problems it causes for jinja are probably not the most important. They are, however, the most important from the perspective of this blog. Fundamentally, jinja need a certain number of people living nearby if the matsuri are to be maintained.… Read More »Responding to Depopulation

Court Case

At present, Jinja Honchō is being sued by two people, one former employee and one who was demoted. The former is suing for (the Japanese version of) unfair dismissal, while the latter is suing for unfair demotion. (I’ve never heard of that in the UK or US, but apparently it is a thing here: Japanese law appears to rely on “abuse of authority” rather than any particular consequence.) They are asking for the courts to confirm that the decisions were without effect, and for payment of the salary that they… Read More »Court Case

Questions of Accounts

This blog post continues my report on the October meeting of the Oversight Council. You might want to start with my explanation of the council, or with the first part of this report, or even with the second part. The budgets were followed by the accounts, which specified what Jinja Honchō had spent its money on in the previous financial year (July to June). The accounts were all accepted by the council. And then it was time for questions. The first question was about the payments to Jinja Honchō’s lawyer,… Read More »Questions of Accounts

Budgetary Issues

This post continues my report on the October Oversight Council meeting at Jinja Honchō, based on the article in the November 2nd issue of Jinja Shinpō. You might want to start from the first part, or from the description of the Oversight Council. The next item on the agenda was the budget measures. These had already been passed by the standing committee of the Oversight Council, so there was no vote, just an explanation. This immediately raised questions. Revd Ashizu, a councillor from Kyushu, pointed out that the rules for… Read More »Budgetary Issues

Anime and Manga Back Issue

The essay on Shinto in Anime and Manga that I wrote in January 2018 is now available for purchase on Gumroad. It isn’t systematic or deeply analytical, but I think it is a good introduction to the way Shinto tends to be portrayed, and used, in manga. Most of the examples are from manga; I think I could write an essay of similar length on Shinto in Miyazaki Hayao’s anime, but that has probably been done already. Buy Essay

Vigorous Debate

The highest decision-making body at Jinja Honchō is the Oversight Council, as described in my last post here. Its meetings have tended to be a simple rubber stamp for the proposals brought forward by the Board of Directors, but that was not entirely the case at this October’s meeting. Before people get too excited, I should emphasise that it did rubber-stamp all of the proposals brought forward by the Board of Directors. The accounts and budget were approved, as were the various changes to Jinja Honchō’s rules. Quite a bit… Read More »Vigorous Debate